Museum on Main Permissions and Fees PolicyAll uses and reproductions of material from the Museum’s collections, whether private or public, research or personal, for-profit or not, require the prior written consent of the Museum. The Museum reserves the right to refuse consent on any grounds.
If the material in question is protected by copyright, and the Museum is not the rights-holder, users are responsible for obtaining any appropriate permissions from the rights-holder. The Museum’s fees for permissions and reproductions shall be scaled according to the costs associated with filling requests and according to the nature and purpose of proposed uses. Fees may be waived or reduced by the consent of the Curator or Executive Director. The schedule of fees appears below. Responsibility for granting or refusing permission for public use lies with the Curator and the Executive Director. Permission for private or research use is conditional upon the user’s agreement not to publish the materials in question without seeking further permission from the Museum. Use in a paper for a class does not in itself constitute publication. Unless specifically requested by the Museum, public uses of material from the Museum collections must be accompanied by the Museum’s credit line: “Image courtesy of Pleasanton’s Museum on Main.” If a user wishes to publish material from Museum collections in an altered form, especially if such alteration changes the contents of the material, then—assuming the use is permitted at all—the alteration must be acknowledged in the credit line: “Original image courtesy of Pleasanton’s Museum on Main. Image altered for publication.” Alteration includes cropping, if the cropping removes significant details from the image. The Museum shall determine what proposed alterations require this disclaimer, and would-be users must disclose any intended alterations when applying for permission. |
Fee ScheduleReproduction:
Digital copy: $3.00 per image, plus $5.00 for processing the entire order—including a CD, if that’s the preferred medium for data transfer. If we have to do a new scan at a different size or resolution than the digital image we already have, the per-image cost increases to $15.00. If we don’t currently have a digital image, then the standard digital-image fee of $3.00 applies. Print from digital image, photo-quality paper: $5.00/page Print from digital image, standard-quality paper: $2.00/page Photocopy: .25/page (no photocopying of original photographic prints permitted; curator reserves the right to prohibit photocopying of documents in delicate condition.) Permission for public use: All permission fees include reproduction costs for images on a CD, including new scans. For print materials, permission covers only the first edition or print run. Reprints and new editions require renewed permission, at reduced rate (20% discount). For online publication, permission covers a specified period of time, with option to renew at a reduced rate. Volume discount for multiple images in same publication: 20% if 10 or more images. Books & Periodicals: For-profit uses: $25.00 reprint or new edition: $20.00 Not-for-profit uses: $15.00 reprint or new edition: $12.00 Website Use: In a not-for-profit context, $25.00 for initial permission and 2 years’ use, with a $15.00 fee for 2-year renewal. In a for-profit context, $50.00 for initial permission and 2 years’ use, with a $30.00 fee for 2-year renewal. Broadcasting Uses: For images: $25.00 per image for first broadcast. Video or audio clips: to be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. Exhibition Use by Other Museums: reproduction costs only. Credit line required. |